Overview tests

What motivates someone to go to work? 

A flexible, future-oriented labour market not only takes into account what someone can already do but also what someone wants or wants to achieve. 
For both initial selection and career guidance, it is interesting to know what someone’s motivations are. The motivation questionnaires gauge someone’s professional motives and ambition, willingness to invest and integrity. The aspect of integrity, in particular, appears to have a good predictive value for performance at work. There are also questionnaires on more specific topics such as career choice and the risk of burn-out.

Motivation & career choice 

(11) tests available
10 minutes
NL / FR / EN
3 main measurements, 2 sub measurements
ECT measures employability at work: does an employee set themselves up to actively tackle problems and challenges at work? This includes mapping how proactive a person is (sense of initiative), career orientation and impulsiveness (daring to make decisions and take risks rather than adopting a wait-and-see attitude).

Candidates are given a series of concrete statements about their sense of initiative at work, the way they take decisions or their ambition. In each case, they have to indicate to what extent they agree or choose an answer from a range of possible responses to a situation.

The questionnaire can be used to map employees’ current perception of work (e.g. to coach different departments), or in staff selection.
4 minutes
NL / FR / EN
2 main measurements, 6 sub measurements
BAT is a questionnaire used to study the risk of burnout in employees. The questionnaire was developed in 2019 by Schaufeli, De Witte and Desart from KU Leuven. Four main symptoms of burnout are covered: exhaustion, mental distancing, cognitive dysregulation and emotional dysregulation. Secondary symptoms can also be detected: psychological and psychosomatic complaints.

The questionnaire consists of a series of statements about symptoms at the emotional, cognitive or physical level. For each statement, candidates have to indicate to what extent it applies to him or her.

The BAT is not designed to diagnose but to guide workers through their careers.
12 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurements ≥ 0.8
4 main measurements, 7 sub measurements
FUTURFIT examines what an employee wants to achieve at work. It focuses on four aspects: what place does work occupy in candidates’ lives (importance of career); how do candidates themselves stand in life? (positive self-image); do candidates prefer to work in a team or alone? and finally, to what extent are candidates willing to invest in work?

Candidates are given a series of concrete statements about their ambitions, self-image and the importance of teamwork. In each case, they have to indicate to what extent they agree or choose an answer from a range of possible responses to a situation.

The questionnaire is designed to identify the current perception of work among employees, with a view to coaching, for example, or in staff selection.
11 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurements ≥ 0.8
2 main measurements, 7 sub measurements
VAMOT (Labour Motivation Questionnaire) measures employees’ motivation in their current job by identifying their emotional balance and work drive. Emotional balance’ refers to basic satisfaction (feeling confident about the future, feeling good in his or her skin), a sense of control over work with sufficient energy to perform the work, and stress-resistance. Work drive’ refers to how central work is in candidates’ lives. Specifically, it refers to ambition, work quality (do candidates spend enough time on work and planning?) and work engagement (how much do candidates want to put effort into work?).

Candidates are given a series of concrete statements about their enthusiasm for the job, how they approach the work and how they look to the future. In each case, they have to indicate to what extent they agree.

The questionnaire is designed to identify current job perceptions among employees, with a view to coaching, for example, or in staff selection.
13 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE / TR
main measurement ≥ 0.6-0.9
5 main measurements
This questionnaire gauges candidates’ active work attitude: how concerned are they about the quality of their work? Are they willing to undergo additional training? To what extent are they willing to adapt to their working environment? Do they want to work in a shift system?

For some statements, candidates must indicate the extent to which they agree in each case; for others, they must indicate the extent to which they can meet certain requirements or choose from a range of possible responses to a situation.

MOTIF is designed to assess work attitude in a wide range of jobs, especially in sectors where work is done in shifts (warehouse workers, technicians, operators, IT specialists, call centre agents).
7 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE / PL / PT / RO / AR
main measurement ≥ 0.8
1 main measurement, 3 sub measurements
The Dedicated People Test focuses on dedication. This involves work commitment (does work take centre stage in candidates’ lives?), ambition (do candidates attach great importance to building a career?) and responding to norm violations (do candidates address colleagues on mistakes?).

Candidates are given a series of statements about concrete work situations related to ambition or norm violations. In each case, they have to indicate to what extent they agree.

DPT is designed to identify how important work is to employees and how far they want to go in building their careers. There is a general standard and a standard for managers. The questionnaire is used for a range of jobs: administrative clerks, managers, accountants, coordinators, production workers, salespeople and security guards.
16 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurement ≥ 0.9
1 main measurement, 4 sub measurements
The Personal Integrity Test charts constructive professional behaviour, which is a good indicator of one’s commitment in the workplace The questionnaire gauges one’s integrity (norm-oriented, responsible, punctual behaviour), organisational orientation (investing after work hours in activities that benefit the work), collegiality and responding to norm violations.

Candidates are presented with a series of statements about concrete work situations related to exceeding norms or commitment at work. In each case, they have to indicate the extent to which they agree.

PIT is designed for employees who are expected to adopt a constructive attitude at work, both towards colleagues and work content.
18 minutes
NL / FR / DE
main measurements ≥ 0.8
6 main measurements
DRION (Drive and Interest for On-site working) measures a wide range of motivational aspects: dedication, persistence, flexibility, reliability, patience and liveliness & interest.

Candidates have to indicate the extent to which they agree with a series of general statements on dealing with feedback, regulation, enjoyment at work and commitment at work.

The combination of the above motivational aspects is especially important for employees working without direct control, such as domestic help or garden staff.
20 minutes
4 main measurements
CFIT maps how much importance a person attaches to the following work aspects: taking risks, following rules, achieving results or establishing human contact. Here, rule-oriented’ and risk-oriented’ form an axis of extremes (the higher the score for rule-oriented, the less inclined a person is to take risks), just as result-oriented’ and relationship-oriented’ form an axis.

For a series of concrete work aspects (e.g. working together’, pushing boundaries’, being tactful’), candidates have to indicate to what extent they consider these important.

This questionnaire can be of interest both within the context of selection and coaching, as it can indicate whether the values that candidates consider important are in line with those of the organisation.
6 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE / ES / PL / TR / PT / RO / AR
main measurements ≥ 0.8
5 main measurements, > 15 sub measurements
The LISMO test measures five types of professional drivers: Leadership values, Individual values, Social values, Material values and Development values. LISMO indicates which values a person considers important in a job.

For each question, candidates have to rank four professional values according to how important they consider them at work. The report includes scores for the values team spirit’, creativity’, performing’, power’, altruism’, pay’, autonomy’ and organisation’.

The LISMO can be used for both selection and coaching, and is an interesting addition to a personality profile.
10 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurements ≥ 0.7
6 main measurements
The CHOICE indicates the type of occupation a person finds attractive: practical-technical, scientific, creative, social, entrepreneurial and/​or structuring.

For various professional or leisure activities, candidates should indicate whether they find this interesting.

This questionnaire can be completed by candidates of any level. The report offers concrete suggestions for possible professional or study directions.
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