Overview tests

Which foreign languages do your candidates master and at what level? 

In a globalised world, multilingualism is a definite asset. The language tests differ in terms of the language aspect being tested and the desired language level. 
For positions such as that of reception assistant, a general basic knowledge of the foreign language may suffice. 
For candidates who mainly have to deliver a lot of written text, it may be desirable to evaluate only spelling or vocabulary knowledge. 
For a Sales employee who has to maintain many contacts abroad, a test evaluating different aspects of language proficiency is needed: reading and listening skills, knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

Language skills 

(8) tests available
22 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurement ≥ 0.8
1 main measurement, 4 sub measurements
DICTEE offers a classic dictation exercise to evaluate one’s spelling knowledge in Dutch or French. The test is primarily intended for native speakers but contains norms to compare spelling knowledge with that of native speakers.

A text is first read out in its entirety and then repeated sentence by sentence. Each sentence is repeated twice. A few words are missing in each sentence. Once candidates have completed all the words, they are shown the full text and can make corrections if they wish.

The test is recommended for jobs in which correct spelling is crucial, such as for lawyers, file managers, HR consultants, staff and secretarial staff.
7 minutes
FR / EN / DE
main measurement ≥ 0.7
1 main measurement, 5-6 sub measurements
Orthographe measures knowledge of spelling in French, English and German. The test is designed primarily for native speakers but includes norms to compare spelling knowledge with that of native speakers.

The test questions spelling in several ways. In a series of sentences, candidates have to indicate the sentence without spelling errors; in other questions, they have to tick the misspelled word or indicate the correct spelling of a word. All questions contain multiple-choice answers.

ORTHO is recommended for jobs in which correct spelling is crucial, such as for lawyers, file managers, HR consultants, staff and secretarial staff.
18 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurement ≥ 0.7
1 main measurement, 8 sub measurements
Do your candidates need to be able to derive the right message and make the right connections from complex texts? The Cebir Reading Test measures text comprehension in an administrative, technical or popular science context.

Questions cover a text as a whole, passages of a text or words used. Candidates have to select the correct answer from a set of suggested answers.

Good reading skills are important for, for example, lawyers, scientific researchers, technicians, operators, account managers, executives, engineers, psychologists and installers.
21 minutes
NL / FR / EN
main measurement ≥ 0.9
1 main measurement, 3 sub measurements
The Mother Language Test evaluates a thorough knowledge of the written mother tongue in English, Dutch or French.

The questions cover vocabulary, grammar and spelling of the mother tongue and offer a mix of multiple-choice which word does not fit in the row?” type questions, sentences where a word has to be entered that fits the context and questions on the correct spelling of words. The difficulty of the questions adapts during test-taking to the individual language level of the candidates.

MLT is especially suitable for jobs in which a lot of written communication has to be processed and produced, such as for lawyers, file managers, HR consultants, staff employees and employees at an executive secretariat.
10 minutes
main measurement ≥ 0.7
1 main measurement, 3 sub measurements
The Basic Language Test evaluates basic knowledge of spoken and written language in English, Dutch or French.

The BLT contains three types of questions. In part one, candidates are given sound fragments with a question about the meaning of what they hear; in part two, candidates have to infer the correct translation or meaning of words or phrases from short text fragments; in part three, candidates have to indicate the wording that best fits the given situation.

BLT can be used for jobs that require candidates to use or understand simple phrases in another language, such as the jobs of security guard, receptionist, maintenance staff.
NL / FR / EN / DE
BST main measurement ≥ 0.9
BET 2 main measurements - BST 1 main measurement, 5 sub measurements
The Business English/​Spanish Test evaluates a person’s passive knowledge of business language. The vocabulary covered by the questions comes from the commercial and financial sectors.

Multiple-choice questions are used to assess a person’s familiarity with vocabulary in a business context.

Given the specific nature of the context in which the questions are set, BET/BST are best used for positions within the commercial or financial sector, such as marketing managers, sales staff or financial analysts.
12 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurement ≥ 0.8
1 main measurement, 3 sub measurements
The Adaptive Language Test focuses on different language aspects depending on the test version chosen: spelling, sentence structure, vocabulary, knowledge of expressions and synonyms.

These language aspects are questioned through multiple-choice questions and sentences with fill-in boxes to fill in the missing or misspelled word. The difficulty of the questions adapts to the individual language level of the candidates during test-taking.

To choose the most appropriate test version of ADLT, it makes sense to consider what is most appropriate for the job and/​or what language aspect you have doubts about in candidates: broad word knowledge, with or without knowledge of expressions and synonyms, or rather correct spelling and sentence structure?
38 minutes
NL / FR / EN / DE
main measurement ≥ 0.9
1 main measurement, 4 sub measurements
The Foreign Langue Test evaluates reading comprehension, listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary in English, Spanish, German, Dutch or French.

The questions alternate between the four language aspects listed. The difficulty of the questions adapts to the candidates’ individual language level during the test taking. The score reflects the language level achieved in the European Reference Framework (ECFR) for languages.

The FLT is the most comprehensive language test in our range. By reporting in ERK levels, you immediately know whether someone is employable in a multilingual context.
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